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President’s Frontier Award: Nomination Process

Nomination Procedures for the President’s Frontier Award

Who can nominate: Any full-time faculty member may serve as a nominator. Self-nominations are also accepted.

Who can be nominated: A full-time faculty member in any division who has demonstrated exceptional scholarly achievement and for whom the award will significantly expand their prominence as an intellectual leader within their relevant fields of study. The ideal candidate will be a mid-career, full-time faculty member.

Please note that this award is NOT intended to serve as a lifetime achievement award, but rather an investment in future potential.

The 2024 nomination period is now closed.

What information is required:

  1. Nominator’s contact information
  2. Nominee’s contact information
  3. Nominee’s CV (to be uploaded in PDF format)
  4. Letter of Nomination (to be uploaded in PDF format), no longer than three pages clarifying how the award will significantly expand the nominee’s work and prominence as an intellectual leader within their field of study.  More specifically, the letter should address the nominee’s: creativity and originality of work; contributions that have transformed their discipline or field of study; exceptional promise and potential for important future work; and reputation in the context of the size for the field or subfield, with external confirmation of impact

Selection Committee: The selection committee will be composed of distinguished Johns Hopkins faculty.

Selection Process: There will be a two-tier review process. The first tier will identify candidates from the initial nomination submissions to advance to the second tier. At the second tier, deans and department chairs will be called upon for letters of recommendation. Finalists will then be forwarded to the president and the provost for final selection.

Learn about the 2015-2023 President’s Frontier Award Recipients

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    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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