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2018 President’s Frontier Award Recipient & Finalists

An associate professor in the School of Medicine’s Division of Nephrology, Dr. Deidra Crews has performed seminal studies that identify socioeconomic factors as key explanations for profound racial disparities related to chronic kidney disease, which afflicts millions across the United States and around the world. She has expanded the study of these disparities beyond documenting their presence to testing novel interventions that address the contributing factors. A clinician-scientist dedicated to bridging the world of research and patient care, Deidra is already transforming the care of disadvantaged populations with CKD.

“Deidra is a truly gifted and creative physician-scientist who has expanded the study of racial and socioeconomic disparities in kidney disease and, most important, tested interventions,” says President Ronald J. Daniels. “Her work is already transforming the care of disadvantaged populations with this condition.”

Finalist: Takanari Inoue, an associate professor of cell biology in the School of Medicine

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    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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