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Internal Funding Opportunities

Below are internal funding opportunities that have been submitted from centers and institutes across Johns Hopkins University. Please note that this may not be an all-inclusive list of internal opportunities. If you have an opportunity you would like us to publicize here and in the monthly digest email, please fill out this form by the last Wednesday of each month for inclusion in the following digest.

If you would like to be added to the monthly internal funding opportunity announcement listserv, please contact RDT.


Funding Sponsor Program Title Max Amount of Award Due Date Notification Date
Neurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Developmental and Hyperactive Ras Tumor (DHART) SPORE: Developmental Research Program (DRP) $75,000 July 15, 2024 August 15, 2024
The DRP funds innovative pilot projects led by established investigators that will advance the overall goal of the DHART SPORE, which is to implement better treatments for neoplasms and cancers with germline and somatic NF1 mutations or related to Rasopathies in general. The DRP supports innovative pilot projects focused on tumors characterized by germline and somatic NF1mutations through rigorous translational research in the areas of population science, therapeutics, and mechanisms of disease and by facilitating collaborative interactions between DRP-funded scientists and other SPORE investigators. Advancing this area of cancer science has important implications beyond NF1-associated tumors as it is also relevant to understanding both the relationship between normal human development and cancer and the fundamental therapeutic problem of therapeutically targeting hyperactive Ras signaling in a range of human cancers. An essential component of the DRP is to attract and support underrepresented minority (URM) investigators.
Eligibility: Proposals are accepted from clinical or basic science investigators at any DHART SPORE institution as well as from other academic institutions. Application is limited to faculty who are scientifically independent by the criteria of eligibility to apply for NIH R01 awards, but who do not currently hold R01 or equivalent funding for NF1-related research. Faculty members with NIH career development awards (K08; K23 or similar) are not eligible to apply for DRP funds.


Neurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Developmental and Hyperactive Ras Tumor (DHART) SPORE: Career Enhancement Program (CEP) $75,000 July 15, 2024 August 15, 2024
The Career Enhancement Program (CEP) supports early-stage investigators (ESIs) who engage in translational research focused on NF1- and Ras-associated tumors as well as sporadic cancers characterized by somatic NF1 mutations. An essential component of the DHART SPORE CEP is an emphasis on recruiting and supporting ESIs from historically disenfranchised racial, ethnic, sexual orientation and disability groups that are under-represented in health sciences. Identifying, recruiting, and mentoring ESIs who will work to implement more effective and less toxic therapies for neoplasms and cancers characterized by NF1 mutations is intrinsic to the discovery and clinical missions of each collaborating institution.
Eligibility: CEP Proposals are accepted from clinical or basic science investigators at any DHART SPORE institution as well as from other academic institutions. Application is limited to faculty who are scientifically independent by the criteria of eligibility to apply for NIH R01 awards, but who do not currently hold R01 or equivalent funding for NF1-related research. Faculty members with NIH career development awards (K08; K23) are encouraged to apply for CEP funds. Faculty members from under-represented in medicine (URM) groups are strongly encouraged to apply. All applicants for a CEP award must identify a mentor who can assist with their NF1 or Rasopathy focused project. Mentors can be identified from within the DHART SPORE. Mentors can be from outside of the DHART SPORE, but must have expertise in NF1 or Rasopathy focused translational research.


Merkin Peripheral Neuropathy and Nerve Regeneration Center Seed Grant $150,000 August 18, 2024 TBD
We are requesting submissions for high-risk, high-reward pilot projects that probe the mechanistic underpinnings of axon degeneration and Schwann cell dysfunction in peripheral neuropathies as well as impediments to successful nerve regeneration. Novelty of the proposed ideas as well as likelihood for successful transitioning to external funding will be key selection criteria for funding.
Eligibility: Junior faculty or senior post-doctoral fellows who finished two years of training at Johns Hopkins.


Merkin Peripheral Neuropathy and Nerve Regeneration Center Special Call for Proposals $100,000 August 18, 2024 TBD
This one-time funding initiative seeks for a research project related to peripheral neuropathy utilizing artificial intelligence, stem cells, or genetic therapies. Projects that investigate innovative approaches in these areas, with potential for discoveries and therapeutic applications, are particularly encouraged. The selection criteria will align with the overarching goals of the Merkin PNNR Center, emphasizing novelty, feasibility, and the potential for future external funding.
Eligibility: Junior faculty or senior post-doctoral fellows who finished two years of training at Johns Hopkins.


Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe JHU SAIS Europe Integration Fund – Anderson Scholars Travel expenses and lodging; other expenses on a case-by-case basis October 15, 2024 TBD
This program seeks dynamic proposals from core faculty members interested in participating in teaching and scholarly exchange between SAIS Europe and counterparts across the JHU campuses. The focus is on one or two semester visits to SAIS Europe, and vice versa. Anderson Scholars will have the opportunity to teach courses related to international affairs, offer special lectures, and engage with the vibrant academic community across at SAIS Europe and across JHU. Applications must go through an internal selection, before being formally submitted. Faculty and staff based at SAIS, including SAIS Europe, and other JHU campuses should first discuss their proposals with the relevant academic and administrative leaders to ensure alignment with our strategic goals.
Eligibility: Core faculty members from any JHU campus going to or coming from SAIS Europe.


Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe JHU SAIS Europe Integration Fund – Joint Research Projects Expenses directly related to research activities, including data set acquisition and archival access October 15, 2024 TBD
In this category, the Integration Fund will support proposals for joint research projects that involve collaboration between SAIS Europe faculty and members of the broader JHU community. The goal is to support research endeavors that bring together diverse perspectives and expertise. Applications must go through an internal selection, before being formally submitted. Faculty and staff based at SAIS, including SAIS Europe, and other JHU campuses should first discuss their proposals with the relevant academic and administrative leaders to ensure alignment with our strategic goals.
Eligibility: Combination of SAIS Europe faculty and JHU counterparts.


Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe JHU SAIS Europe Integration Fund – Joint Events Expenses related to the planning and execution of joint events October 15, 2024 TBD
The Integration Fund will support events that are organized in collaboration with SAIS Europe faculty and the wider JHU community. These events should aim to foster academic and cultural exchanges that contribute to our integrated academic excellence. Applications must go through an internal selection, before being formally submitted. Faculty and staff based at SAIS, including SAIS Europe, and other JHU campuses should first discuss their proposals with the relevant academic and administrative leaders to ensure alignment with our strategic goals.
Eligibility: Combination of SAIS Europe faculty and JHU counterparts.


Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe JHU SAIS Europe Integration Fund – Staff Exchange Travel expenses and lodging October 15, 2024 TBD
This initiative promotes the exchange of information and best practices among JHU administration members through extended visits. The focus is on enhancing the operational efficiency and service quality at SAIS Europe. Applications must go through an internal selection, before being formally submitted. Faculty and staff based at SAIS, including SAIS Europe, and other JHU campuses should first discuss their proposals with the relevant academic and administrative leaders to ensure alignment with our strategic goals.
Eligibility: Combination of SAIS Europe and JHU administrators across the schools.


The Ignite Fund The Ignite Fund Typically $1,000 Rolling basis TBD
The Ignite Fund offers Hopkins student entrepreneurs access to funding throughout the academic year. The fund’s purpose is to support discrete tasks that will help move a venture forward. In focusing funding this way, we hope to provide student ventures access to capital at key moments. Applications must identify a single discrete task to be funded. Applicant(s) must clearly demonstrate how the task to be achieved by the funding will impact their venture’s next steps. All proposals will be considered, but, in light of limited funding, successful applications will emphasize how to make the most out of minor amounts.
Eligibility: All ventures with at least one current JHU student founder. Ventures who have won Ignite Fund awards previously may apply again if they have completed the closing process (provision of final progress report and receipts) prior to their newest application.


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