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Research Communication

The research community has a vested interest in communicating to audiences outside of our institutional enclaves. We have an obligation to the public—taxpayers and policymakers—to convey the significance of our research. In better describing the impacts of our work, we can demonstrate how vital public funds are spent and build public support for federal research funding while highlighting the fascinating endeavors being carried out across this institution. However, researchers are not typically specialists in communication.

The Office of Research trains faculty to effectively communicate their research to various audiences such as donors, policy makers and the general public through an expanding variety of programs with the following aims:

  • Providing researchers with strategies, tips, and skills for communicating their work to non-specialist audiences with a focus on policy makers in Washington DC through a collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Office of Federal Affairs
  • Helping faculty build and manage online reputations toward career development and funding success
  • Teaching faculty to find the most effective platforms for reaching the broader public and how to shape their messages for lay audiences
Rep. Cummings and Mario Macis Dissemination Toolkit

Hopkins on the Hill:
Research Showcase

Dissemination Toolkit



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    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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