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Awards Programs & Initiatives

Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships Program

The Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships program is centered around interdisciplinary scholarship, appointing world-class faculty who bridge the university’s schools and divisions, cross traditional disciplinary boundaries, and advance the university’s commitment to innovative scholarship.

President's Innovation Award

The new Johns Hopkins University President’s Innovation Award is awarded to one innovative early-to-mid career faculty member each year who is focused on solving problems in society and translating research beyond academia. The award will help these recipients to launch their promising careers during the crucial years when support for their research may be elusive, and allow them the freedom to invest in those activities most likely to advance their innovations toward the marketplace.

(Award administered by JHTV)

Catalyst Awards

The Johns Hopkins Catalyst Awards support the promising research and creative endeavors of our early career faculty with the goal of launching them on a path to a sustainable and rewarding academic career. These grant awards of up to $75,000 are available to faculty between three and ten years since their initial faculty appointment.

Discovery Awards

The Johns Hopkins Discovery Awards provide grant awards to cross-divisional teams in order to spark new, synergistic interactions between investigators across the institution. These grants of up to $100,000 are available to teams of faculty and/or non-faculty members (e.g. APL scientific staff) representing at least two separate divisions of the university.

President's Frontier Awards

The President’s Frontier Award was established by trustee Louis J. Forster and Kathleen M. Pike, and is designed to support exceptional Johns Hopkins faculty scholars who are on the cusp of transforming their fields. These annual $250,000 awards enable us to give a significant boost to faculty members who have the expertise and creativity to become prominent intellectual leaders but need more time, resources, or assistance to develop and share their ideas.

Hopkins on the Hill

Hopkins on the Hill is a biennial showcase of the incredible range, value, and impact of federally-funded research and programming. Early career researchers and practitioners from across the Johns Hopkins community are invited to apply to display and discuss their research with Members of Congress, staffers, alumni, and media representatives.

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    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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