The mission of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) is to empower our research community in its pursuit of discovery and innovation, foster meaningful collaboration across disciplines, and advance and promote breakthroughs that drive positive change.
The OVPR is responsible for the current and future health of the university’s research enterprise, including institutional research compliance, research development, undergraduate research, and cross-divisional research initiatives, such as the Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships, the Johns Hopkins Catalyst and Discovery Awards, and the President’s Frontier Award. We support important multidisciplinary, collaborative research projects, including the Signature Initiatives identified in the Rising to the Challenge Campaign and multidivisional proposals in response to RFAs.
We facilitate the Research Oversight Committee (ROC), comprised of the divisional research deans, research administration directors, and key university personnel, to strategically plan Johns Hopkins’ research infrastructure. We are also responsible for the university research programs administration that oversees policies, procedures, and information systems for research grants.
Vice Provost for Research
Associate Vice Provost for Research Administration
Associate Vice Provost for Research
Associate Vice Provost and Deputy Chief Compliance Officer for Research
Director for Research
Provost’s Fellow
Director of Research, The James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Donald S. Coffey Professor of Urology
Vice Provost for Research
265 Garland Hall
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
(443) 927-1957