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Faculty Open Doors

Beginning in spring 2020, the Office of Research is starting a new initiative, Faculty Open Doors, to strengthen the network of researchers at our institution.

Three faculty members will open their office or lab for fellow faculty visitors from 1:00-3:00PM each Friday during the academic semester. Each week, we will feature faculty from a different department. Faculty can drop by during these hours to meet their colleagues and learn more about each other’s work. These peer-to-peer conversations can lead to new research directions and collaborations, and a stronger professorial community. We are starting this initiative on the Homewood Campus and hope to expand to our other campuses in the near future.

Upcoming Events:

  • March 6: Biomedical Engineering
    • Mihaela Pertea will tell you about tell you about finding new human genes.
      Open door 1:00-3:00: Wyman Park S257
    • Josh Vogelstein will tell you about big data, statistics, networks, machine learning, and lifelong learning.
      Open door 1:00-3:00: Clark Hall 314D
    • CXLED: Alexis Battle will tell you about personal genomics and using machine learning to understand the human genome.
      Open door 1:00-2:15: Wyman Park S249
  • March 13: Political Science
  • March 20: No open doors – spring break
  • March 27: Biology
  • April 3: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Past Open Doors:

  • February 21: Physics & Astronomy
    • Yi Li will tell you about quantum matter.
      Open door 1:00-2:00PM: Bloomberg 339
    • Tyrel McQueen will tell you about functional materials discovery.
      Open door 1:00-2:30PM: Bloomberg 301
    • Brice Ménard will tell you about dark matter and Big Data.
      Open door 1:00-3:00PM: Bloomberg 529
  • February 28: Near Eastern Studies
    • Paul Delnero will tell you about religion, science, and ritual in Ancient Iraq.
      Open door 1:00-3:00: Gilman 122
    • Mike Harrower will tell you about satellite imagery mapping in archaeology.
      Open door 1:00-3:00: Gilman 135
    • Alice Mandell will tell you about the origins of the alphabet.
      Open door 1:00-1:45: Gilman 140

Notification: Homewood Campus faculty receive a listing of faculty participants and open door times each Monday.

Participation: We send calls for participation to chairs/directors so please reach out to yours if you are interested in opening your door.

A special thanks to Dr. Brice Ménard for sharing this idea and providing his thoughtful guidance.

  • Contact

    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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