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Q: If PPE or other medical supplies purchased with sponsored funding was donated to first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic, can we purchase new supplies using sponsored funds?

A: NIH has indicated that if project-purchased PPE (or other lab supplies) were donated during the pandemic for clinical or first responder use, then the award may re-purchase PPE and charge those costs to the grant. Administrative supplements may be available if rebudgeting is inadequate to replace the donated PPE. Most other agencies require agency-prior approval to donate PPE; thus, any PPE donated should either be replaced (using non-sponsored fund sources) or the PI should request agency prior/retroactive approval. If approval is received, the replacement PPE can be charged to the award. Alternatively, non-sponsored funds can be used to purchase replacement PPE or supplies.

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    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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