Website Navigation for Screen Readers

How will the proposals be judged?

  • Review Criteria for written submissions
    • Creativity, originality and/ or innovation of proposal – 50%
    • Clearly articulated and well-written proposal – 20%
    • Well thought-out and justified budget – 15%
    • Feasibility of completion by team – 15%
  • ROUND 1: 
    • Non-elimination round
    • All teams will receive constructive feedback to improve their submission.
    • Teams will have the option to edit and resubmit their proposal for Round 2 or withdraw from competition at this time.
  • ROUND 2:
    • Elimination round
    • Ten (10) teams will advance to live finals.
    • All teams will receive constructive feedback from reviewers to be used in NOVA final round (if advanced) or for future proposal development.
  • ROUND 3:
    • Live Ignite presentation 
    • Each team is given 5 minutes and the use of twenty (20) slides advancing every 15 seconds to “sell” their project.
    • Panel has 10 minutes to ask questions.
    • After all presentations are complete, panel will take 30 minutes to confer
    • Winners are announced
  • Contact

    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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