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Research Remote Access

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Resources for transitioning to remote access with your research group:

IT@JH: Zoom Help

  • Getting started, training, FAQ, best practices, and more.
  • Additional Zoom resources from the Center for Educational Resources (CER) here.

CER: Microsoft Teams

  • Access, creating teams, quick start guide and training webinars.

IT@JH: Remote Access at Johns Hopkins

  • Remote access tools that provide connectivity to internal resources from offsite locations.
  • Listing of communication and productivity tools available to the JHU community.

Remote Data Collection Resources

  • Guides on using REDCap, installing and using Google Voice, etc. from the Bloomberg School of Public Health IRB.

Library Resources:

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Libraries staff continues to provide online teaching, research, and learning resources such as virtual reference services but will not be providing access to the physical collections or providing interlibrary loan or BorrowDirect services.

Additional Best Practices

Research Group Communication

  • Ensure your laboratory and/or research group directories is up to date, with current cell phone numbers and email addresses, and ensure all group members have a copy.
    • Maintain paper copies of emergency contact lists and call trees in both home and work areas. Power/computers/internet access may be unavailable or inoperable during an emergency.
  • Have a communications plan involving email and phone/text messaging in order for rapid and comprehensive information dissemination.
    • Consider use of group messaging products such as Microsoft Teams (free and accessible to all with JHED accounts) for group messaging, assigning projects, sharing files and video conferencing.
  • Essential Personnel must have the ability to contact members of the group so they can obtain instruction regarding all laboratory issues that may arise and that may be outside of their own individual experiments.
  • Ensure group members have the numbers of any key external vendors and internal service providers.
  • Maintain frequent communication with collaborators with whom you have dependencies for materials, components of the research, or data.

Ensure access to key digital resources:

  • Collect and backup your data files from lab computers.
    • Backup copies of your data to OneDrive.
  • Prepare your lab computers/servers for remote access and test with all relevant group members.
  • Ensure all group members they have the necessary digital infrastructure in place at home to be able to remain productive: internet connection, VPN and shared drive access, connections to high-performance or cloud computing resources.
  • Contact

    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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