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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donation Drive

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The following donation drive for personal protective equipment (PPE) has been organized by Johns Hopkins investigators:

Posted March 21, 2020

Dear Johns Hopkins Lab-based Investigators:
In these uncertain times, many of us who are lab-based want to help but don’t know how best to do so. One of the most critical needs is for personal protective equipment (PPE) for our healthcare workers on the front lines. Many of us have supplies in our labs that could be repurposed to fulfill essential needs. We are coordinating a mass collection of: gloves, N95 masks, disposable lab coats, and face shields.

We understand that these supplies may have been purchased with sponsored funds. The Office of the Vice Provost for Research is arranging for replacement of donations once the crisis is over and will work with you to do so. To receive replacement stock, you must fill out the form below with your donations.

*Remember that only essential personnel are allowed in the building and this should only done during the time that someone absolutely has to be in the lab. This is completely voluntary and no one who feels uncomfortable participating should feel obliged to do so.*
Each department is welcome to co-ordinate the collection of their supplies, and designate people to bring the supplies over, as they see fit.

If you would like to participate, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Fill out the online form here – *Please note: We can only accept unopened boxes/packs*:

Step 2. Bring your items to the medical supply room at the Main Hospital.

  • The JHH Central Storeroom is located in the Meyer Sub-Basement Room 201.  (This the B2 level, not to be confused with the Basement level).
  • There is a Supervisor on duty 24/7/365 in the Central Storeroom.
  • *If anyone has any issue, they can email Colleen Cusick [email protected] or her office number is 410-955-4930

Please keep your distance from each other during drop off, and maintain 6 feet of distance wherever possible.

Step 3: Accept our heartfelt thanks for your generosity and help in protecting our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers on the front lines!

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    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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