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Looking Forward @ Johns Hopkins

Through Looking Forward @ Johns Hopkins, JHU’s most distinguished scholars are engaging the scholarly community by sharing cutting-edge scholarship during the COVID-19 shutdown. The series builds intellectual and social bridges to fill gaps left during this time of physical social distancing, and excite the scholarly community to bring new ideas back to campus with them when our campuses fully re-open.

During Looking Forward, a distinguished scholar from the university will give a talk presenting their research, followed by time for questions.

Future Lectures

Future lectures will take place through Hopkins at Home.

Past Lecture Recordings

– 4/2 Andy Feinberg Epigenetics and the Adaptive Genome in a Changing Environment. Watch this lecture.
– 4/9 Alfred Sommer Do You Really Want to Hear From an Epidemiologist at a Time Like This? Watch this lecture.
– 4/16 Barbara Landau Unforgettable: When an Amnesic Artist Remembers. Watch this lecture.
– 4/23 Michael Miller Pointilism, Alzheimer’s, and COVID-19: What do they have in common? Watch this lecture.
– 4/30 Jeremy Nathans X-chromosome Inactivation, Color Vision, and the Female Advantage. Watch this lecture.
– 5/7 Lisa Cooper Health Inequities in a Global Pandemic. Watch this lecture.
– 5/14 Peter Agre Science Diplomacy – a Byproduct of  Academic Research. Watch this lecture.
5/28 Jacquelyn Campbell Cumulative Trauma in the Lives of our Youth: What that Means for Youth in a Pandemic (lecture only) Watch this lecture.
– 6/11 Jacquelyn Campbell Discussion on Cumulative Trauma in the Lives of our Youth (Discussion Only) Watch this lecture.
– 8/20 Jessica Fanzo The Global Food Systems Dashboard: A Tool to Guide Us Towards Healthy and Sustainable Diets. Watch this lecture.
– 9/3 Diane Griffin From Measles to COVID-19 and Back. Watch this lecture.
– 9/17 – Christopher Chute Electronic Health Record Data in the Time of COVID: The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C). Watch this lecture.
– 10/15 – Nilanjan Chatterjee Individual- and Population- Level Risks of COVID-19 Mortality due to Predisposing Factors in the United States and the Implications for Vaccine AllocationWatch this lecture.
-10/29 – Alan Yuille What Have Deep Networks Ever Done for Us? When will AI develop human, or superhuman, powers?
– 11/12 – Yannis Kevrekidis No Equations, No Variables, No Space, No Time: Emergent Descriptions of Complex Systems.
– 12/3 – Ashani Weeraratna.

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