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NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) offers three years of support for advanced study in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences, including the history of science and the philosophy of science, and to research-based Ph.D. degrees in science education at accredited U.S. institutions.

Awards carry a $37,000 stipend for 12-month tenures, plus a cost-of-education allowance of $16,000, payable to the Fellow’s institution in lieu of tuition and fees. Fellows may also apply for additional support to participate in international opportunities; enhanced access to cyber-infrastructure resources, including supercomputing time, is provided. All awards are for a maximum of three years, usable over a five-year period.

NSF GRFP Administrative Guide 

JHU NSF GRFP  Frequently Asked Questions

JHU NSF GRFP Applicant Eligibility

Supplementation of GRFP Stipends

The National Science Foundation’s GRFP Administrative Guide (NSF 23-075) permits GRFP fellows to solicit and accept, from NSF or other federal and private sources, support for research expenses, such as laboratory supplies, instrumentation usage fees, field-station usage fees, travel expenses, conference/registration fees, workshop expenses, or subscription fees. (See section 2.6 of the Guide, specifically Stipend Supplementation, for further information.) It is not allowable to use federal funds (including the GRFP’s cost of education allowance) to supplement the GRFP stipend to increase it to the standard student stipend level. Fellow stipends may be supplemented only from non-federal sources, such as from university general funds.

The university has confirmed this guidance with NSF. Questions about this policy should be directed to [email protected]


[email protected]
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