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Editorial Assistance Services Initiative (EASI)

The Johns Hopkins Editorial Assistance Services Initiative (EASI) offers editorial support for grant proposals and journal articles at no charge to faculty. This service by the Research Development Team includes:

  • Line editing. This type of editing focuses on style and the flow of language. We edit for clarity, conciseness, and engaging, active, inclusive language. We also edit to keep the reading level accessible, especially in grant proposals. One of our most essential services is bringing a manuscript within the word-count or character-count limits.
  • Copyediting: This type of editing focuses on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style guide compliance.
  • Developmental editing: This type of editing focuses on structure, logic, and compliance with content requirements. For grant proposals, it may include advice on how to make the proposal more competitive.

Eligibility: EASI is open to all JHU faculty from every school, division, and rank. (Please note that as of October 2024, EASI has expanded to all faculty, not just tenure-track.) We encourage women, underrepresented minorities, and junior faculty to apply.


  1. Complete the form below.
  2. EASI staff will connect you promptly with one of our experienced editors (staff or freelance).
  3. Once an editor has received your draft, please allow two weeks for edits; we also suggest you leave 2-3 additional days to make any necessary revisions before submission.
  4. The editor will contact you with any questions during the editing phase.
  5. The editor will return two versions of each document to you: one showing “Track Changes” so you can see what they did; and one with changes accepted. The latter is a clean copy that is easy to read.

As capacity allows, the  Research Development Team (RDT) will continue to assist with managing and facilitating the pre-award phase for teams who submit large grant proposal opportunities (normally >$5M) that support multidisciplinary and collaborative research. To request that type of support, please fill out the RDT Assistance Inquiry Form.

Questions? Email Courtney McQueen at [email protected].

EASI Support Application

  • Max. file size: 20 MB.
  • Describe the type of assistance needed – general copywriting, editing, etc. Please note anything specific you would like an editor to look for.
  • o Funder
    o Deadline
    o Opportunity: name, URL and grant ceiling
    o Proposal type: new, renewal or resubmission
    o Title of the proposal
    o 2-3 sentence synopsis of the proposal
    o If there are co-PIs, list them
  • Estimated award amount - there are no required minimums for EASI services
  • o Journal for submission
    o Draft title of the article
    o Is this a first submission?
  • Max. file size: 49 GB.
    If you are requesting manuscript support, upload a draft of your article.
  • Contact

    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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