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Research Photo Contest AY 2017-18

NEW DEADLINE: February 7, 2018

The Research Office is pleased to announce a Research Photo Contest!

Members of the Hopkins community are encouraged to send in photos of your research: in the lab, in the field, in the conservatory, on the stage. Research images from all areas are welcome!

Click Here to Apply
NEW DEADLINE: February 7, 2018

To Enter:

  • You may submit up to three photos per person. Photos must include research occurring at Johns Hopkins, in any area (Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, etc.)
  • Please submit a description/caption for each photo, along with your name, class year (if relevant), and research advisor/primary investigator
  • Please choose the appropriate category: Undergraduate student, Graduate student, Research scientist/Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty/Staff
  • Photos must be a minimum size/resolution of 1 MB; 5 MB or larger is encouraged when possible

You must obtain releases from any person(s) included in your photos, and signed permission from your research advisor/primary investigator (if applicable). By entering our contest, all entrants grant JHU a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, publish, distribute, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, and publicly display the photo for any JHU purpose, including without limitation display on the RDT and HOUR websites.

Download the Model Release

Download the PI Permission Release

Download the Contest Flyer


Judging and Prizes

Photos will be chosen by a selection committee. Decisions will be announced by March 31st, 2018. Winners (two per category) will be treated to lunch at Gertrude’s with Vice Provost for Research Denis Wirtz sometime in February.  One grand prize winners will be awarded $500 and the reserve prize winner will receive $250.

Winning photos will be displayed, with appropriate attribution, on our website and in the Research Development Office, Hopkins Office for Undergraduate Research, office of the vice provost, and Johns Hopkins University Research Administration offices.

  • Contact

    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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