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Summer PURA 2020

Recipient Year Proposal Title Mentor/s Division
Arora, Ria 2022 Investigating Sex Differences in the Schizophrenia Transcriptome across Multiple Brain Regions Kynon Jade SoM
Aytenfisu, Tihitina 2021 Designing MANAbodies to Recognize MHC-I+R140Q-IDH2 Complex in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Sandra Gabelli SoM
Biswas, Devanik 2022 Evaluating the Biomarker Potential of c-Abl Pathway Molecules using Neuronal-Enriched L1CAM-Positive Exosomes Saurav Brahmachari SoM
Brewster, Lauren 2021 Relationship between Cochlear Damage, Stress, and Anxiety Behaviors in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Amanda Lauer SoM
Castineira, Pedro 2021 Understanding the Mechanism of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Activation with Crosslinking Mass Spectrometry Stephen Fried KSAS
Choi, Lina (Yeeun) 2021 Nucleolar proteomic profiling of genetically engineered colon organoids Tatiana Larman SoM
Figdore, Matthew 2021 Gene Co-expression Network Development using Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data Alexis Battle WSE
Garcia, Anthony 2023 Characterization of a Novel SUMO-1 Dependent Cytosolic Protein Quality Control Pathway Michael Matunis BSPH
Han, Alice 2022 The Role of WAKE and Dlg in Circadian Regulation of Sleep Mark Wu SoM
Jung, Carmen 2021 Investigating the cellular regulation of mutant ribosomal protein RPL10 Kamena Kostova
Kuo, Wade (Yun-Huai) 2021 Engineering Bispecific Antibodies to Synergistically Inhibit Tumor Metastasis Jamie Spangler WSE
Lan, Michael 2021 Design of a Peripheral Nerve Conduit from Electrospun Polycaprolactone Nanofibers, Hyaluronic Acid, and Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans to Reduce Pain from Symptomatic Neuromas Hai-Quan Mao WSE
Lee, Adrian 2022 Investigating the Contribution of Astrocyte Metabolic Alterations to Cognitive Dysfunction through Electrophysiological and Morphological Analysis Juhyun Kim SoM
Leff, Michael 2021 Ancient Israelite Offerings: A Comparative Study Alice Mandell KSAS
Li, Brian 2022 Recalibration of temporal encoding in the hippocampus. Manu Madhav WSE
Nerenberg, Renee 2022 Understanding and treating blood-brain barrier dysfunction during Huntington’s disease Peter Searson, Raleigh Linville WSE
Poe, Alan 2021 Mechanisms of Lysyl Oxidase Like 2 (LOXL2) regulation by Factor Xa processing Lakshmi Santhanam SoM
Ravich, Wesley (Jonas) 2022 Enhancing Natural Killer Cell Stimulation and Specificity to Acute Myeloid Leukemia Challie Bonifant SoM
Sitaram, Maya 2022 Developing Machine Learning Algorithms for Surgical Skill Prediction to Assess the Benefit of Force-Feedback Systems in Robotic Surgery Training Jeremy Brown WSE
Sompel, Kevin 2021 Ionic Remodeling of the Sinoatrial Node Associated with Heart Failure Contributes to Chronotropic Incompetence Natalia Trayanova, Joseph Yu WSE
Song, Tidie 2021 Characterizing the Role of Epigenetically Silenced Genes in Driving Lung Cancer Initiation Michelle Vaz SoM
Sood, Lakshay 2023 Characterization of Type 2 Topoisomerase Inhibitors for Chemotherapeutic and Antifungal Regimens James Berger, Joyce Lee SoM
Syed, Sarah 2023 Identifying the Molecular Mechanisms underlying the Alignment of Neurotransmitter Release Sites and Receptors Shigeki Watanabe SoM
Wahid, Naba 2022 Ethnonationalism and Democratic Integrity: Lessons from India Steven David KSAS
Wong, Sydnee 2022 Increasing Silicon Nanomaterial Stability for Light-Activated Applications. Rebekka Klausen KSAS
Xiang, Mike (Michael) 2022 Investigation and Innovation of Functionally Directed, Site-Selective and Efficient Radical Fluorination Strategies for Bioorganic Molecules Thomas Lectka KSAS
Yedetore, Adi (Aditya) 2022 Using Neural Networks To Investigate Language Acquisition Tal Linzen KSAS
Yoniles, Joey (Joseph) 2022 PAR-induced Neurotoxic Aggregation of ALS-linked FUS Variants Sua Myong, Kevin Rhine KSAS
Yu, Chinat 2023 A‌ ‌scientific‌ ‌guide‌ ‌to‌ ‌success‌ ‌at‌ ‌Hopkins‌ ‌ Justin Halberda KSAS
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