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Host Pathogenesis

Team Leaders: Priya Duggal (Public Health), David Kass (Medicine), Chirag Parikh (Medicine)

  • Projects:
    • The Impact of Sex on Transcriptional and Genomic Signatures in COVID-19 Infection, PI: Eileen Scully (Medicine)
    • Immune-Viral Landscape in COVID-19 Pneumonia-ARDS: IVAR Study, PI: Franco D’Alessio (Medicine)
    • Genetic Epidemiology of Host Response to COVID-19, PI: Priya Duggal (Public Health)
    • Contribution of Acute Kidney Injury in the Progression of SARS-CoV-2 Infection, PI: Chirag Parikh (Medicine)
    • Pathogenesis of Cardiac Inflammation During COVID-19 Infection, PIs: Daniela Cihakova (Medicine), Nisha Gilotra (Medicine), Allison Hays (Medicine)
  • Contact

    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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