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What should the project proposal contain?

  1. Title of Project (not “Team X Nova Project” or similar)
  2. Description of project, including clearly defined
    • Guiding question or purpose and importance
    • Brief summary (check word usage, avoid jargon)
    • Proposed methodology
  3. Project timeline w/milestones
    • Which parts of the project will be done when and what externally fixed deadlines might affect the project?
  4.  Anticipated barriers/challenges
    • What can go wrong and how might you deal with that?
    • Are there any community norms that might be violated?
    • What campus safety rules could conflict?
  5. Itemized budget spreadsheet (see Budget Guidelines)
    • Note: there are many resources available across Hopkins, you may not need to purchase some equipment, tools, software, etc. Just ask: [email protected].
    • List of equipment, tools, and consumable materials needed complete the project
    • List of other expenses: travel, space rental, other
    • Approximate cost of all budget items and suggested source(s)
    • List of all no-cost university resources to be utilized
    • If budget exceeds maximum grant amount, list of other anticipated funding sources.
  6.  Proposal formatting
    • Font: Arial or Helvetica, size 11
    • Spacing: single spaced
    • Margins: minimum ½ inch on all sides
    • Proposal length: Three (3) pages maximum
    • Budget length: One (1) page maximum
    • Figures and Bibliography/ References: two (2) page maximum
      • Figures (if needed): tables, graphs, photos, and schematics that are essential to the project can be included following the main proposal text and do not count toward the three page maximum. All figure elements should be large enough to be readable and have clear, informative captions.
    • All documents should be combined into a single PDF submission.
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    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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