PIVOT is a comprehensive database for funding searches that can be geared to a researcher’s particular interests. Available to anybody using a JHU IP address.
scientifyRESEARCH is an open, curated research funding database, including grants, scholarships, fellowships, events and more information for researchers.
Foundation Directory Online Professional is a tool developed by the Foundation Center that provides subscribers with access to an unprecedented wealth of timely, comprehensive information on grantmakers and their grants. Included is a searchable database of the more than 140,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities in the U.S.; over 4,000 sponsoring companies, offering a quick pathway to corporate funders; more than 11 million grants; and over 1 million recently filed IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF.
The Johns Hopkins community – including staff, faculty, and students – has access to the Foundation Directory Online Professional (FDO) via the University’s Enterprise account, which is based on IP authentication for unlimited access, no log-in or password is required.
If you have questions related to foundation funding opportunities please email the Office of Foundation Relations, at
[email protected]. For federal funding opportunities please email the Research Development Team at
[email protected].