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Guidance for Hopkins Researchers

Johns Hopkins University created this page to share current information, university guidance, and resources related to changes in the policy landscape for federally funded research.

New information and resources will be shared here as they become available. If you receive any directive from an agency arising from a recent executive order , please contact the JHURA/ORA and your department or divisional leadership.

Key updates:

  • The university has established a process to track new executive orders, agency directives, and other transition-related issues to assess their implications for Johns Hopkins and our community.
    It is not yet clear what the impact of many of these policy changes will be, and it may take time for federal agencies to determine how they plan to operationalize new directives. Some policies may also be reviewed by the courts.
  • In coordination with the Office of General Counsel (OGC) and academic leadership in the divisions, including department leaders, we are closely following new developments, and we hope to gain more clarity from our federal agency partners soon. Unless you have received a specific agency communication directed at your grant, contract or cooperative agreement and confirmed its validity and interpretation with OGC, please continue to conduct your work as usual.
  • If you receive any communication directly from federal funding agencies, please share the original communication (or a write-up if verbal) by email with ORA ([email protected]) if you are in the School of Medicine or JHURA ([email protected]) for all other divisions. They will provide guidance and coordinate with OGC.
  • This page will be updated on an ongoing basis to reflect new developments and guidance. Please check back regularly.


Our Johns Hopkins research enterprise

Dear Johns Hopkins Community:

As America’s first research university, Johns Hopkins has had a longstanding and highly productive partnership with our federal government, forged in the embers of WWII when Vannevar Bush – an MIT engineering professor and the renowned leader of wartime R&D who went on to found the National Science Foundation – was called upon to redeploy the American research enterprise for “the improvement of the national health, the creation of new enterprises bringing jobs, and the betterment of the national standard of living.”

In the ensuing years, universities all across America answered that call, producing research and discoveries that have transformed our understanding of the possible – from the invention of radar systems to GPS, from modern genetics to quantum mechanics, from the development of the pacemaker to cancer immunotherapy. University-based research, supported by the federal government, has time and again advanced American ingenuity and competitiveness and improved the human condition at home and across the globe.

Now, as a new administration arrives in Washington, research universities are being called upon to navigate a period of substantial change, and we are reminded that this federal partnership is not to be taken lightly.

In just the past two weeks, we have seen numerous executive orders, agency directives, and other federal actions that directly affect our university’s research mission. These actions and communications signal changes in federal policy with regard to foreign aid, patient care, public health, diversity, gender, and immigration, and they coincide with unexpected pauses in grant payments from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), National Science Foundation (NSF), and National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The pace and scope of this transition is intense and presents a challenge for our university community, as it does for all of the American research enterprise.

We are closely monitoring the evolving federal landscape and collaborating closely with divisional leaders to assess and prepare for the implications of these changes across the full range of disciplines and programs, and we will continue to seek the partnership of our shared governance bodies. We are also hearing from you about your desire to continue the critical work of discovery, education, and patient care. Your commitment to improving and saving lives, pursuing the next discovery, and advancing opportunity is both inspiring and unsurprising – this is what Johns Hopkins and its people do.

And so, I write you today to urge you to keep doing your important work.

It will take some time before we know and can provide clear guidance on the extent of the changes before us. Unless you have received specific direction from an agency to pause your work, and verification of that from our Office of General Counsel, carry on. For those of you who have received direct federal communications, our Office of General Counsel and academic leadership will provide guidance and support.

Johns Hopkins has long positioned itself financially to weather short-term disruptions in federal funding, but we are also anticipating some longer-term curtailment of activities. We will comply fully with any changes in federal laws and requirements, and we will continue to do our work and highlight its positive impact while we await clarity on those changes from the federal government and through the judicial review process.

Indeed, on the cusp of our 150th anniversary, we’ll continue to do the work that has defined our institution since our beginning – to bring the benefits of discovery to the world, open students’ minds to new ideas, care for patients who rely on us, and explore ways to better understand the human condition and find solutions to society’s great challenges. And in this work, we will be guided by the principles of excellence, ingenuity, and open inquiry, drawing on the rich tapestry of people, thought, and experience that we have long held to be essential to our success.

Thank you for the role you play in Johns Hopkins’ extraordinary academic community. We will stay in touch as we move forward together.

Ron Daniels

Dear Johns Hopkins research community,

Subsequent to yesterday’s message from Provost Ray Jayawardhana and Executive Vice President Laurent Heller (January 27, 2025), we have received questions about the memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued last night regarding federal grants, cooperative agreements, and other financial assistance programs, as well as a related Q&A that OMB issued today. These OMB communications are currently under review by the courts.

The OMB memoranda are directives to federal agencies – not to funding recipients. It will take time for the judicial process to unfold and for agencies to determine how they plan to operationalize the guidance and then to communicate their decisions to us and others. It is not yet clear what the impact will be for specific programs here at Hopkins.

In coordination with the Office of General Counsel, we are closely following these developments, and we hope to gain more clarity from our federal agency partners soon.

As we await further federal guidance and direction from OGC, please continue to conduct your work as usual.

If you receive any correspondence from a federal agency regarding a pause, change, or request for information involving your federally funded research, please notify your leadership and contact OGC for support and guidance before taking any action.

We will launch a website in the coming days to serve as a central resource for updates and resources for the Hopkins research community.

Thank you,

Denis Wirtz
Vice Provost for Research

Federal Policy Developments and Johns Hopkins University

Dear faculty and staff colleagues:

The new presidential administration has made a number of announcements and policy changes affecting our work here in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and globally. We are actively working with our Office of General Counsel (OGC) and university and divisional leaders to understand the implications of each announcement for Johns Hopkins and our community.

The university has established a process to track the executive orders, agency directives, and other transition-related issues, in keeping with past practice when a new administration takes office. Work groups have been established to promptly review developments across multiple areas, coordinating closely with colleagues in OGC, finance and administration, federal strategy, and relevant divisions and departments. We will be keeping our universitywide shared governance bodies apprised of developments in the coming days and seek their partnership and input as we move forward. We are also providing support to Hopkins programs and offices directly affected by federal changes.

Johns Hopkins has proudly maintained a longstanding and highly productive partnership with the federal government across numerous presidential administrations and changes in congressional leadership, working together to fuel research and discoveries that have improved countless lives in the United States and around the world and contributed immeasurably to American economic growth and competitiveness. We will continue this critical work, guided by our founding mission of education, discovery, patient care, and service to our communities.

We will continually assess the evolving policy and regulatory landscape as federal agencies provide further guidance and direction.

Thank you for the work that you do every day to uphold our commitment to the university’s mission and all those we serve.


Ray Jayawardhana

Laurent Heller
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

Select Agency Guidance

As federal agencies continue implementing policy updates, many have issued broad guidance for researchers regarding the interpretation of executive orders and other directives. The list below is intended to serve as a reference for researchers about the information released by federal agencies, but it does not necessarily reflect subsequent review by courts or guidance from the university OGC.

Please consult your department or divisional leadership and JHURA/ORA before making any changes in your work based on any of the resources on this page.

Updated as of February 6, 2025

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Department of Energy (DOE)

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

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    Vice Provost for Research

    265 Garland Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

    (443) 927-1957

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